Tuesday, September 10, 2013

And Better

I'm feeling sooo much better this week!

I rode Porsche again today. She is absolutely my favorite. She's my girl. She makes me feel better about my life.

I tacked her up mostly by myself. I was pretty excited about that, since it's one of my goals to learn to do. DeDe had to help me with the saddle, since Amy and I put it away wrong last time... Oops.

I rode Porsche around the dressage court. DeDe put four little cones in a square in the middle, and had me turning circles through them. I had a little bit of trouble getting Porsche really moving though, and getting her to do tight little circles like DeDe wanted. She wanted me to get the horse to really arc through the turn, and I couldn't seem to get her to do it and move at the same time. DeDe told me to "fluff" her with my outside leg, and that helped a lot. Porsche is really responsive, once I know how to ask her what I want.

I've been doing a lot of walking and turning and circling. I know it sounds very repetitive, but every time, it's a little different, and I learn something new. I have been working on my riding position, confidence, and taking charge, and those are things best learned at a slower pace, I think.

Today, I did do some trotting, though! I know Porsche is supposed to be bouncy, but I was really feeling better about my trot. I tried some posting for the first time; it's difficult! It uses a lot of muscles I'm not used to using. I did some sitting trot as well, once I got tired. I'm getting better at putting my weight in the stirrups and pushing my heels down. I felt like I was bouncing way less. Now I just need to start letting go of the saddle horn! Someone suggested to me that I take it in steps, to improve my confidence. Let go for just a second, and grab the horn again. Once I feel comfortable with that, five seconds. Then ten. Then thirty. And so on and so forth, until I can take the reins and steer. I think it's a great idea, and I'll have to try it next time.
Once we finished the lesson, I untacked Porsche and led her back to her stall by myself, unsupervised. I was really proud of myself for that! I haven't done it on my own until now.

I'm really happy with how I'm progressing. I know I have a lot to learn yet, but I feel like I'm getting there. DeDe and I talked about maybe going on trail next time, which I was really excited about! I really want to get out of the arena for a little bit.

My sisters came with me today, so I feel kind of dumb for not asking them to take pictures for me! I have a couple from last time, so those will have to do until next time.

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