
Why am I begging for ponies?

I've loved horses practically since I came out of the womb. I used to beg Santa every year for a pony, but he never delivered (jerk!). Not to mention, I begged my mom for a pony all the time! And my grandparents, and my aunts and uncles and... Well, you get the idea. Unfortunately, we didn't have the money for me to take lessons or anything. As a treat, my mom took me a few times on guided trail rides. I loved it, but it wasn't quite what I was looking for. I wanted the freedom of having my own horse and knowing how to ride, to go wherever I felt. More than that, I wanted a horse I could fall in love with.

Over the years, my interest waned a little. I wouldn't say it dissolved, really. Occasionally I'd meet someone who rode, and my craziness would come to life. There was a girl in my high school French class who rode dressage. A guy I met at a country bar told me he worked with horses. One of my friends started dating a rodeo cowboy. Little things that would remind me, but... I still couldn't do anything about it.

Now that I'm older, I have a little money that I can spend on whatever. Though the horse craze has subsided, I still want to spend it on riding.

I wanted to catalog my experiences for those who, like me, wanted to know details about riding and being around horses that seem impossible to find on the internet or in books. I'm sure that those of you who have been around horses for a long time will be laughing at all the dumb things that I do. But that's all part of learning! I'm really excited to share my adventures with you :)

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