Friday, September 6, 2013


Oh Porsche, how I love thee.

I missed riding her. It's been forever since the last time I did. And I had a really nice time today.
I went to my lesson with my friend Amy. She's super awesome. We met because we're both taking lessons and DeDe introduced us. I think she's super weird though, because she likes Lola better than Porsche!

We took Porsche out at first. We planned to alternate every fifteen minutes or so. It had been longer since Amy had ridden, so DeDe wanted Amy to go first. I took pictures and Amy rode. She did some walking and circling, and then a little bit of trot. Amy seemed to be having trouble with Porsche's trot though, since it is bouncier, so I got on Porsche and DeDe went to get Lola.

It felt nice to ride on my own for a little bit. I just walked around the round pen and turned a little, but I felt in control, confident, and comfortable. Porsche really is my comfort zone.

I rode around the round pen for a long while, just being comfortable and getting some riding time. Amy lunged Lola I'm the dressage court for a little bit and then got on bareback! It was really exciting, but I didn't see much of it, since I was riding. Porsche was pretty good unless DeDe was close by. For some reason, she chose those moments to act up: trying to open the gate, not turning when I asked her to, and not stopping when I asked her to. It's like she was trying to make me look bad!

DeDe eventually moved me to the dressage court with Amy. Amy was walking Lola, and then she and DeDe lunged her. I went around the court at a walk, did circles and figure eights and zigzags. I felt really happy with the way this lesson went. Not much actual content, but I felt like I regained a lot of confidence from my time in the saddle. I also tried to think about my riding position. I've been reading lots of articles and watching lots of videos about sitting trot lately, and so I had a lot to think about. I tried to keep my heels low and my weight in the stirrups, and to make sure I was not leaning forward and that I was moving my hips with the motion of the horse. Harder than it sounds!

At one point, Lola took off. I guess Amy was lunging her, and Lola just pulled away and took off running back to her stall. I didn't realize it until Lola ran right in front of Porsche and me. I had a little moment of panic; I felt Porsche tense up and I thought to myself, she's going to take off, too. I kept my cool though (mostly), and thought of one-rein stops until we both calmed down. I have to admit, I don't feel comfortable with Lola's behavior... this is the second time she's taken off like that around me.

I really feel like I needed this kind of a relaxed lesson. I felt very good about it. Hopefully next time I'll learn new things and keep this confidence :)

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